WHO Global Oral Health Programme: Focus on prevention


In recent global news, the World Health Organization develops a Global Oral Health Programme. This recognizes Oral Health as a part of General Health, and that it is integral for all people - children and the elderly are particularly at risk populations. Please read below for the specific objectives of this programme:   The objectives of the WHO Global Oral Health Programme (ORH)   Noncommunicable chronic diseases, which continue to dominate in lower-middle and upper income countries, are becoming increasingly prevalent in many of the poorest developing countries. They create a double burden on top of the infectious diseases that continue [...]

WHO Global Oral Health Programme: Focus on prevention2013-09-23T16:51:29+00:00

Helpful Tips for Healthy Smiles at Halloween


The Canadian Dental Association has some great tips and tricks for Halloween, which is just around the corner!   Halloween is just around the corner and we all know that for most children, Halloween means candy and lots of it! However, when your child consumes sugary food or drinks, the bacteria (germs) in the dental plaque on the teeth mix with the sugars in the candy to make a mild acid. This acid attacks the hard outer layer of the tooth, called the enamel. If the dental plaque isn’t removed every day by brushing and flossing, over time, the enamel gets [...]

Helpful Tips for Healthy Smiles at Halloween2013-09-17T17:48:07+00:00

Fluoride and Your Child


The Canadian Dental Association explains what the benefits of fluoride are to your child's (and your) developing dentition:   Fluoride is a mineral found in soil, water (both fresh and salt) and various foods. It has a positive effect on oral health by making teeth more resistant to decay. Fluoride can also prevent or even reverse tooth decay that has started.   Fluorides are used by communities as a public health measure to adjust the concentration of fluoride in drinking water to an optimum level (community water fluoridation); by individuals in the form of toothpastes, rinses, lozenges, chewable tablets, drops; and [...]

Fluoride and Your Child2013-08-28T21:15:46+00:00

What is a sealant?


Dr. Jen wants to ensure your child maintains a healthy mouth for life! Fissure sealants are a preventative plastic coating, painted onto permanent or adult molars and sometimes premolars, which help to prevent cavities on the biting surface of those at-risk teeth. The best time to place these sealants is soon after your child's 6 year molars erupt into the mouth. Dr. Jen's certified dental assistants are well-trained to help your child through the often new process and explain at their level what they are doing :) The key with fissure sealants is your child's cooperation in order to keep the [...]

What is a sealant?2013-08-07T15:05:10+00:00

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