Why Fix Baby Teeth


Why do we need to fix my child’s baby teeth, they’re just going to fall out anyway. Yes, they are just baby teeth but some of the back baby molars will be in your child’s mouth until they are 10 to 12 years old so during that time frame there are many reasons to keep baby teeth. One reason to treat baby teeth is for their function in chewing, in being able to eat a regular diet of crunchy foods and whatever they want to have. Another reason is quality of life. Although it’s a baby tooth, a tooth ache in [...]

Why Fix Baby Teeth2014-03-05T18:33:57+00:00

Bad Enamel


My child seems to have bad enamel. Bad enamel runs in our family, so what do we do? Well, bad enamel or missing enamel - there are rare conditions where a child may be missing their enamel, there are genetic conditions but they are quite rare. Another reason a child might have poor quality enamel is if they were ill as an infant and given antibiotics or perhaps born prematurely. There are some types of antibiotics that can affect the development of the teeth and particularly the enamel. Most of the time however, what parents think is bad enamel that runs [...]

Bad Enamel2014-02-06T22:59:00+00:00

Helpful Tips for Healthy Smiles at Halloween


Helpful tips from the Canadian Dental Association!   Halloween is just around the corner and we all know that for most children, Halloween means candy and lots of it!   However, when your child consumes sugary food or drinks, the bacteria (germs) in the dental plaque on the teeth mix with the sugars in the candy to make a mild acid. This acid attacks the hard outer layer of the tooth, called the enamel. If the dental plaque isn’t removed every day by brushing and flossing, over time, the enamel gets soft and a cavity forms. The damage to the tooth [...]

Helpful Tips for Healthy Smiles at Halloween2013-10-31T18:45:19+00:00

Be Thankful for a Thanksgiving Free from Foodborne Illness


With Thanksgiving just around the corner, questions are already popping up about how to prepare the two stars of the Thanksgiving feast: the turkey and stuffing.   Turkey   If you have purchased a frozen turkey, be sure to thaw the bird adequately before cooking. There are three ways to thaw your turkey safely: in the refrigerator, in cold water and in the microwave.   In the refrigerator (40 degrees Fahrenheit or below): Allow approximately 24 hours for every four to five pounds of bird. For example, a 12- to 16-pound turkey would require three to four days and a 16- [...]

Be Thankful for a Thanksgiving Free from Foodborne Illness2013-10-08T19:14:23+00:00

Breakfast Basics for Busy Families


Another great tip from Eatright.org on helping give your family the healthiest breakfast possible, even on the busiest school days!   Eating breakfast can improve children's behavior and school performance, as well as help them maintain a healthy weight. But a survey by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation reveals that breakfast isn't eaten all of the time by 42 percent of Caucasian and Hispanic children, and 59 percent of African American children.   This news is startling; when children skip breakfast, research shows us that their brains and bodies suffer all day long.   While breakfast might seem like [...]

Breakfast Basics for Busy Families2013-10-01T23:17:28+00:00

Raising Healthy Eaters from Preschool to High School


Over the weekend Dr. Jen was able to meet a renowned dietician, Dr. Terri Lisagor, with special interest in the dental health of children - her husband is a pediatric dentist! The following is great advice for developing healthy eating habits for your children right from the start!   Food, nutrition and eating skills are among the most important things you can share with children: food to fuel busy, successful lives; nutrition to nourish strong bodies and smart brains; and eating skills to enjoy the social aspect of meals with family and friends.   As with any part of raising children, [...]

Raising Healthy Eaters from Preschool to High School2013-09-30T21:16:47+00:00

Healthy eating for children


As a parent, one of the most important things you do is to help your children learn healthy eating habits. Children need a balanced diet with food from all four food groups—vegetables and fruit, grain products, milk and alternatives, and meat and alternatives.   Children need 3 meals a day and 1 to 3 snacks (morning, afternoon and possibly before bed). Healthy snacks are just as important as the food you serve at meals.   The best foods are whole, fresh and unprocessed—fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, dairy, and meats; and home-cooked meals.   Canada’s Food Guide recommends:     [...]

Healthy eating for children2013-09-04T16:20:02+00:00

Is ‘real’ fruit juice better for your child?


We emphasize diet and toothbrushing as the 2 key ingredients for maintaining your child's oral health. The American Academy of Pediatrics makes the following recommendation: ``that fruit juice not be given to infants under six months of age since it offers no nutritional benefit to babies in this age group. After six months of age, infants may have limited amounts of juice each day. For youngsters older than six months, fruit juice offers no nutritional benefits over whole fruit. Whole fruits also provide fiber and other nutrients. Infants should not be given fruit juice at bedtime, nor as a treatment of [...]

Is ‘real’ fruit juice better for your child?2013-07-23T15:04:13+00:00

Baby bottle tooth decay


Milk is the first thing babies’ drink, whether breast or formula and then cow’s milk, and it is integral to their growth and development. Having a feeding schedule early on helps to establish great habits and to avoid baby bottle tooth decay or Early Childhood Caries (ECC). Your child will begin to get their first teeth around 6 months old, which is also the time when solid foods are being introduced. Night time breast feeding or bottle feeding can cause dental decay because we produce a lot less saliva at night and therefore the mouth becomes dry – this environment with [...]

Baby bottle tooth decay2013-07-15T16:29:37+00:00

Pregnant Mom’s oral health is important to baby


Did you know babies often mimic the same bacteria in their mouths as their Mom's! We all have ‘good’ bacteria in our mouths, but if Mom has a cavity, then there are some ‘bad’ bacteria present. Mom’s often try food for baby with the same spoon for temperature and taste or clean a soiled pacifier with their mouth, this ‘bad’ bacteria can then be transferred from Mom’s mouth to baby’s mouth by saliva. This is why Mom's-to-be need to take extra special care of their own teeth.  

Pregnant Mom’s oral health is important to baby2013-07-04T17:48:55+00:00

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